100 Most Important French Sentences: 1-10

100 Most Important French Sentences (1-10)

100 Most Important French Sentences: Part 1

100 Most Important French Phrases is a perfect way to start your French language learning

100 sentences doesn't mean 100 words !  It is more than that. Some of the words will repeat though and some of them won't belong to the 100 most important words list that you may find on the Internet. (I will publish an article about that soon). What I wanted was to create 100 simple, ready to use sentences that you will need as a beginner and which will form a base and a support for futher learning.  

If you have no previous experience with the French language, this is the place to start.  

Important !

There is a new post with all 100 Essential Sentences and Expressions in one article. There are also some interactive exercises and a pdf to download. Click on the link or the image below.

100 Useful Beginner French Sentences and Expressions PDF

Almost of the sentences concern the first person (I) to help you express the most important things concerning YOU. These can be easily transformed to ask for information about your speaker. 

The sentences are divided into categories. Starting from the given examples you may create even more than 100 sentences by changing the personal pronoun and the verb conjugation or by forming questions and answers.

Here is the first 10 sentences from the category: speaking about yourself. 

Speaking About Yourself 1

  French English Translation Explanation

Je suis américain. (man)

Je suis américaine. (woman)

I am American. In general, you need to add “e” to an adjective to get the feminine form. There are two genders in French: masculine and feminine. Thus: "un américain" but "une américaine", "un ami anglais" but "une amie française".  

Vous êtes français

Vous êtes française.

You are French. In formal speech to be polite with people you don’t know (adults), you need to use “Vous”, the plural form of the personal pronoun, instead of the informal "tu" reserved for the people you know, your friends and the people younger than you in general.
3 Tu es américain et elle est anglaise. You are French. Between friends, kids and people you know you use “tu” (you).
4 J’habite à New York. I live in New York. Verb “habiter” means “to live”. Je + habite becomes
“J’habite”, the “h” is silent here.
5 Où habitez-vous ? Where do you live ? The formal way of asking questions in French is to
switch the verb and the subject. But there are other
more common ways to ask questions: by adding "est-ce que"
or simply raising your intonation ?

On habite aux Etats-Unis.

Nous habitons aux Etas-Unis.

We live in the United States. “On” is the common ways of saying “we” or “nous” in French.
In spoken French you will hear "on" instead of "nous" 99% of
the time.
7 Je m’appelle John. My name is John. Literally “I call myself John”. “s’appeler” (se appeler) is one of the “pronominal verbs” which are very common in Romance languages.
“S’appeler" is also the verb with the “er” ending, the simplest and the most common type of verb to conjugate. Look at the difference between this sentence (7) and the next one (8) in terms of conjugation. You need to add "s" in the second person singular. The pronunciation stays the same however. 

Comment t’appelles-tu ?

Comment tu t'appelles(intonation)

What's your name ? Literally “How do you call yourself ?” te + appelles = t'appelles. There can't be two vowels next to each other. It makes the pronunciation easier. 
9 D’où viens-tu ? Where do you come from ? /
Where are you from ?
“Tu viens” comes from the verb “venir”, to come.
10 Je viens du Royaume Uni. I come from the United Kingdom. “venir de” (to come from) + le Royaume Uni = venir du
Royaume Uni. So, "de + le" = du.



French Vocabulary to Study in France 1

Sorbonne University, Paris

If you want to study in France as an international student, you will need to know some specific words and expressions related to schooluniversity and education in general.

You will find these useful whether you are on a study abroad French language program or just as a regular student at the French University or Grande Ecole. Here is the first part in the series related to studying in France

Study in France Vocabulary 

  French English
1 to enrol in a university s'inscrire dans une université
2 enrolment l'inscription (fem.)
3 a student card une carte d'étudiant
4 an undergraduate un(e) étudiant(e) de premier cycle
5 a fresher / a freshman un(e) étudiant(e) de première année
6 a postgraduate student un(e) étudiant(e) de troisième cycle
7 the academic year l'année universitaire (fem.)
8 a lecture une conférence
9 a lecture hall un amphitéâtre / un amphi (famlier)
10 a B.A. degree une licence de lettres


Exercise 1: easy

Part 1: 


Part 2: 

Exercise 2: 

This year I'm going to enrol to the French university.
The enrolment to the university has been closed.
Do you have a student card ?
I'm an undergraduate student.
Lots of freshmen students are of foreign origin.
The postgraduate students are few.
The academic year has just begun.
It was a really interesting lecture.
All lectures are held in the lecture hall F.
I have a B.A in Modern Literature.

Do you want to know how to translate the above sentences ? Log in or  Become a member and access this and more interesting exercises that will help you learn more efficiently. 


10 Great Formal French Words to Amaze Your French Friends

Interesting Formal French Words

Here are some very common French words that are used in everyday speech and which you can express in a more formal way, giving a touch of “sophistication” to your language.

The truth is that you may become fed up with using the same words all the time. With these words you will bring your knowledge of French to the next level and surprise your French friends.

Even if you are a beginner, you will learn here some basic but essential French vocabulary that you will certainly find useful in everyday conversations. You come back later to learn their more advanced synonymes.

Continue reading “10 Great Formal French Words to Amaze Your French Friends”

French Vocabulary: Les vacances à la plage

Summer is here and this year you may be heading for France for holidays. Here is the first list of the common French words (with exercises) that you will need while at the beach in France

Vocabulary with audio: 



1. bronzer [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://simple-french.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/01-S.mp3″]

1. to tan / to get tan / to sun

2. nager [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://simple-french.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/02-S.mp3″]

2. to swim

3. plonger [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://simple-french.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/03-S.mp3″]

3. to dive, to plunge.

4. faire la planche [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://simple-french.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/04-S.mp3″]

4. to float (lit. to do a board)

5. un coup de soleil [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://simple-french.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/05-S.mp3″]

5. sunburn

6. l’ombre [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://simple-french.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/06-S.mp3″]

6. shade

7. les lunettes de soleil [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://simple-french.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/07-S.mp3″]

7. the sunglasses

8. les vagues [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://simple-french.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/08-S.mp3″]

8. waves

9. le sable [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://simple-french.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/09-S.mp3″]

9. the sand

10. un matelas gonflable [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://simple-french.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/10-S.mp3″]

10. an inflatable mattress



Exercise 1: 

Exercise 2 A: 

Exercise 2 B: