Edith Piaf Je ne regrette rien Lyrics Paroles

Edith Piaf Je ne regrette rien French Lesson

Listen to this iconic French song and try to fill in the lyrics in the exercise below.

This song is quite interesting in terms of learning content. Several interesting expressions are still in use today, lots of basic albeit important vocabulary. And the famous “trilling” French r that that was quite in vogue at that epoch.

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Describing Weather in French

Weather in French in France

Weather Vocabulary in French

This lesson is A1 CEFR lesson to describe the weather in French in a simple way.

To speak about weather in French, there are three simple ways to do this. You can use either “Il fait + adjective”, which literally means “It makes cold / hot / bad / etc.”, or you can use “Il y a ….” (There is ….).

There are 12 sentences in this lesson followed by a quiz and exercises section.

Quel temps fait-il ?

What’s the weather like ?

Il fait froid.

It’s cold.

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Apparence physique: Physical appearance

French Vocabulary Appearance

French vocabulary to speak about somebody’s appearance, how someone looks and how she / he is dressed.

English French
style, look  look
appearance apparence
casual décontracté
smart / elegant élégant
out of fashion démodé
fashionable / trendy à la mode
to look tired avoir l’air fatigué
to look sad avoir l’air triste
to look like …. ressembler à
figure une silhouette

French Sentences

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Nice Books to Read in French

Books in French

Why Bother to Read in French ?

Reading is a great tool in language learning. It is both pleasurable and pragmatic. Reading stories that you like is not only a great language builder, it can also be a great motivator to move forward in your language learning.

However, what I find great in reading, even difficult French texts, is the suspense, the discovery I’m making with every word I’m learning, with each comprehension of each sentence that is building up as I progress through each page. That feeling is awesome. It feels like I’m deciphering some coded message.

Choose the Book YOU like.

What some of us may not realize, going through a story in a foreign language is a great vocabulary builder. Of course, you may feel overwhelmed by the number of words you need to look up. It is also advised to write them down for better memorization. Very often language learners do not consider reading a book in French as an option because of this.

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Les filles d’aujourd’hui, Joyce Jonathan

Lyrics Les filles d’aujourd’hui, Joyce Jonathan

Listen to the song and drag the missing French words. This is an easy version of the exercise. It consists of the first two verses of the song and the chorus.

It’s a great vocabulary exercise in describing people as it uses lots of interesting adjectives used in everyday French.

You should also pay attention to the liaison (la liaison in French) that is quite a distinctive feature of the French language. You should, no …,  you must use the liaison while speaking French as it makes your speech more fluent and native like. It is true whatever the language by the way.

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