Nice Books to Read in French

Books in French

Why Bother to Read in French ?

Reading is a great tool in language learning. It is both pleasurable and pragmatic. Reading stories that you like is not only a great language builder, it can also be a great motivator to move forward in your language learning.

However, what I find great in reading, even difficult French texts, is the suspense, the discovery I’m making with every word I’m learning, with each comprehension of each sentence that is building up as I progress through each page. That feeling is awesome. It feels like I’m deciphering some coded message.

Choose the Book YOU like.

What some of us may not realize, going through a story in a foreign language is a great vocabulary builder. Of course, you may feel overwhelmed by the number of words you need to look up. It is also advised to write them down for better memorization. Very often language learners do not consider reading a book in French as an option because of this.

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