100 Most Important French Sentences: 11-23

100 Most Important Sentences: Part 2

Important !

There is a new post with all 100 Essential Sentences and Expressions in one article. There are also some interactive exercises and a pdf to download. Click on the link or the image below.

100 Useful Beginner French Sentences and Expressions PDF

This part contains 13 sentences, from number 11 to 23. That's the end of the Speaking About Yourself category, where you can find some basic sentences that allow you to introduce yourself, meet other people, tell your name, your age and where you are from. In this part you will also see how to form the French negative sentences. The next category you will see is the travel category

Speaking About Yourself 2

11 Quel âge as-tu ? How old are you ? In French you say "to HAVE a number of years".
12 J'ai 25 ans. I'm 25 years old. Literally: I have 25 years.
13 Parlez-vous français ? Do you speak French ? Another way to ask the same questions is:
“Est-ce que vous parlez français ?” or
“Vous parlez français ?” (rising intonation)
14 Oui, je parle un peu. Yes, I speak a bit.  
15 Non, Je ne parle pas français. No, I don't speak French. To make a negative French sentence, you must follow the "ne + verb
+ pas
" structure. In spoken French you can omit the "ne" word. Eg.
Je parle pas français. J'ai pas mes clés (I don't have my keys).
16 Tu parles bien anglais. You speak well English . The "s" you must add while conjugating (the second person singular, that is you (tu) ). This "s" in "parles" is silent, so you don't pronounce it. 
17 Je te présente Marie. C'est une amie. Let me introduce you to Marie.
She is a friend of mine.
Lit: I introduce you to Marie. It is a friend.
18 Enchanté ! Nice to meet you ! Lit: Delighted (by meeting you). You may also hear: "Ravi." or "Ravi de faire votre connaissance." 
19 Comment allez-vous ? How do you do ? A polite way of asking how someone is.
20 Ca va, merci. I'm fine, thank you. Lit: It goes. You can also say "Je vais bien." (I'm going (doing) well.)
21 Tout va bien, merci. Everything is fine, thank you. Tout is conjugated as the 3rd person singular. 
22 Je ne comprends pas. I don't understand. The verb "comprendre": to understand.
23 C'est un plaisir de faire votre connaissance. It's really nice to meet you. Lit: It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

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