Arrestation de suspect clé des attentats de Paris et de Bruxelles

Arrestation de suspect clé des attentats de Paris et de Bruxelles.


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English French
The suspect has been arrested Le suspect a été arrêté
The most wanted man L’homme le plus recherché
The French authorities Les autorités françaises
the man in the hat l’homme au chapeau
The police have arrested four men. La police a arrêté quatre hommes
He might have been in contact with the suicide bomber. Il aurait pu être en en contact avec le kamikaze
Dragnet (A system of coordinated procedures for apprehending criminal suspects or other wanted persons.) Coup de filet
if we are to believe the recent statements … si l’on en croit les dernières déclarations


The sentences are not 100% exactly the same as in the article you have read / watched but they are built around those in order to make them easier for you to understand and remember.

Do the translation exercise until you get 100% of correct answers at one go. Come back regularly to check your knowledge and reinforce those synaptic connections !

Should you have any suggestions please, leave a comment below. Merci !

Panama Papers: David Cameron

A very embarrassing and shameful situation for the British Prime Minister: David Cameron. You can read, watch and listen to the story on the euronews‘ website then come back here and check your vocabulary. Good luck !


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English French
a bit unsettled / disconcerted by un peu déstabilisé par
he has admitted il a avoué
an offshore fund un fonds offshore
He has said / revealed il s’est exprimé
to be tax compliant être en règle avec le fisc
he has sold everything off il a tout soldé
a summit un sommet
a revolt une fronde


10 Very Popular Everyday French Idioms

Here is a list of 10 French idiomatic expressions that you will probably hear most frequently while in France.  The list is rather subjective, as I did not base myself on any official document proving the frequency (Does such such thing exist ?). The only explanation I have is that to my mind these idiomatic expressions are used more often than others. Of course, there are others but I thought these might be the most useful ones for the beginning and intermediate learners of French. Thus, upon your arrival to France you won't be surprised to hear what may at first appear as some strange sounding expressions you have no idea about their meaning.

"Why learn French idioms ?"

You may ask. If you want to get over the "speaking the very basic French" level, you need to get to know some idiomatic expressions. And this is true for any language. That's just the way people like to express ideas. Idioms make the language more vivid, more colorful and more expressive.It's one of the things that shows that you know the language well.

You may also check this website about The French Idioms (origin, explanations, translation).

The List of the 10 Popular Everyday French Idioms:

  1.  Prendre quelque chose au pied de la lettre: It is used to describe somebody who believes too seriously in everything he/she hears. Eg. On entend souvent dire que tous les parisiens sont grincheux mais il ne faut pas le prendre au pied de la lettre. C'est juste un cliché.
  2. Il n'y a pas un chat: used to say that there are very few or no people in a particular place. There isn't a soul. Eg. Cet endroit est complètement désert ! Il n'y a pas un chat !
  3. Il pleut des cordes: when it rains a lot and hard. It's raining cats and dogs. Eg. Tu as vu le temps qu'il fait dehors ? Il pleut des cordes ! Hors de question que je sorte ! 
  4. Il n'y a pas le feu au lac / y'a pas le feu: when you are not in a hurry. There is no panic. Eg. Attends ! Pourquoi t'es si pressé ? Il n'y a pas le feu au lac !
  5. Fumer comme un pompier: to smoke a lot of cigarettes. To smoke like a chimney. / To be a chain smoker. Eg. Ca pue la cloppe chez ton voisin ! C'est parce qu'il fume comme un pompier

    In the past the firefighters used to soak their clothes with water so they wouldn’t set ablaze while fighting the flames. The water turned to steam and made their clothes “give off fumes”.
  6.  Maigre comme un clou: speaking about someone really thin, a skinny person. Thin as a rake. Eg. Il est maigre comme un clou ! Il ne doit pas peser plus de 50 kilos tout habillé ! 
  7. Etre au taquet: when you are fully engaged in some activity. To be going flat out / to be going full throttle.  Eg. Regarde le ! Il est complètement absorbé par son travail. Ouais, il est vraiment au taquet
  8. Etre nickel (chrome): when something is neatly / very well done. To be spotless. Eg.(En parlant de nettoyage d'une voiture par exemple) Vous avez fait du bon travail. C'est vraiment nickel ! / C'est nickel chrome
  9. En avoir marre: to have had enough of something. To be fed up with something. Eg. J'en ai marre de ton comportement stupide ! Je me casse d'ici !
  10. S'en moquer / ficher / foutre:  to be completely uninterested or indifferent to something / somebody. Not to give a damn / toss about something. Eg. Tu es au courant que fumer tue ? Oui, me je m'en fous

French Conjugation of Etre and Avoir (Present Tense)

It this lesson you will learn or consolidate, if you have gone through the 1st and 2nd part of my French Lessons for Beginners, the conjugation and use of the two most important verbs in the French language: Etre and Avoir.  

1. French Verbs: Etre / Avoir

Here are some of the advantages of learning etre (to be) and avoir (to have) from the beginning. 

  • They are two the most important verbs in almost any language, but they are particularly useful in learning Romance Languages
  • Thanks to them you will be able to express all the basic things concerning yourself
  • Etre and avoir are essential in constructing most of the grammatical structures of the French language (past, future, conditional, perfect, subjunctive)
  • Two irregular verbs, which means they conjugate differently from other verbs
  • In both verbs, the second ( tu ) and the third( il/elle ) person singular are pronounced in the same way (although they are written in a different way)

Continue reading “French Conjugation of Etre and Avoir (Present Tense)”

Everyday French Expressions Part 1

Even if you have learned a substantial amount of the French language, once you are in the country you might feel overwhelmed by the way the people speak. One of the reasons will certainly be some of the French expressions that you won’t see in a French language course book. Here you will learn some of the common expressions of the spoken French.

13 Everyday French Expressions

Here is a list of the most common everyday French expressions that you will come across while in France. You will notice them easily as the people will be using them all the time. They are the words and expressions that each French person is using tens if not hundreds of times each day. The list is in no way exhaustive, but it will certainly make the everyday French a bit easier to understand. If you use them correctly, they will also make you sound more native like.

The List (with examples) :

  1. Ouais … : a colloquial way of saying “oui”, or showing that you agree with someone.
    1. Eg. A: “Tu viens ?” Are you coming ?
    2. B: “Ouais, j’arrive…” Yeah, I’m coming
    3. [sc_embed_player fileurl=”″]
  2. Vas-y ! / Allez-y ! : It means “go on!”, “come on”, or “do it!”. Don’t forget that “vas-y! ” is informal (used between friends and young people) and “allez-y” is formal (adults, people you don’t know, especially older than you people). 
    1. Eg. A: “Je n’ai pas encore acheté de billet.” I haven’t bought the ticket yet.
    2. B: “Qu’est-ce que tu attends ? Vas-y !” What are you waiting for ? Go ahead ! (Do it) !
    3. [sc_embed_player fileurl=”″]
    4. Eg. Formal situation. You want to let someone go in front of you, in a queue for example: “Allez-y (Madame / Monsieur). Vous pouvez passez devant.” Please, Madame, you can go ahead of me. 
    5. [sc_embed_player fileurl=”″]
  3. Je sais pas / Chais pas ! : Literally it means “I don’t know”. In the spoken French you won’t here the “ne” word normally added in negative sentences in writing. In spoken French, especially when spoken rapidly, it will sound more like “chais pas” (also written “ché pas”) than “je sais pas”. Interestingly, it doesn’t work in the affirmative way. You just cannot say “chais / ché” for “Je sais” (I know). 
    1. Eg. A: “Qu’est-ce qu’on fait ce soir ?” What are the plans for this evening ? (What are we doing this evening ?).
    2. B: “Ché pas ! Propose quelque chose  !” Don’t know. Propose something ! 
    3. [sc_embed_player fileurl=”″]
  4. Je suis / J’suis / Chui: The same principle as in the previous example. In spoken French the “to be” verb in “I am” sounds more like “chouis” than “Je suis” when said rapidly. You will rarely hear the French pronounce all the words from for example “Je suis chez moi” (I’m at my home). 
    1. Eg. A: (Au téléphone) “T’es où là ?” Where are you ?
    2. B: “Chui chez moi !” I’m at my place.
    3. [sc_embed_player fileurl=”″]
  5. Oh là là: Used to express stupefaction. You will hear it a lot. 
    1. Eg. Your friend injured him/herself. You may ask: “Oh là là! Qu’est-ce qui t’est arrivé ?! “. Oh my ! What happened to you ?!
    2. [sc_embed_player fileurl=”″]
  6. Laisse tomber ! The infinitive form: laisser tomber. To let  something go, to drop to, to forget it. Literally “to leave / let (something) fall” 
    1. Eg.  A: “Je vais l’attendre encore un peu.” I will wait for him (a bit).
    2. B: “Laisse tomber. Il ne viendra pas !” Forget it! He will never come !
    3. [sc_embed_player fileurl=”″]
  7. Je m’en fous / M’en fous / On s’en fout: It is very informal way of saying “I don’t care”, or simply “I don’t give a damn / shit about … .”. It has a formal equivalent “Je m’en fiche” but you won’t hear it as often as the informal version. 
    1. Eg. A: “Tu étais au courant que fumer tue ?” Did you know that smoking kills ?
    2. B:  “Oui, mais je m’en fous.” Yes, but I don’t give a damn.
    3. [sc_embed_player fileurl=”″]
  8. Putain ! The ultimate swear word in the French language. It basically is a pejorative term for a prostitute but it is used in the same context as the English word “f**k”. Nowadays, you can even hear it on tv sometimes. It is also interchangeable with the word “merde” which mean “shit” (literally). 
    1. Eg.  When you are really irritated: “Putain ! Où est-ce que j’ai mis mes clés ?!” F**k, where did I put my keys ?
    2. [sc_embed_player fileurl=”″]
  9. C’est bon ! : Literally it mean “It is good.” However, in the spoken language it is more used in the context of “That’s ok / Okay / All right.” You can also used it to express irritation. 
    1. Eg. A: “Tu as fini ?” Have you finished ?
    2. B: “Oui, c’est bon. On y va!” Yes, I have (it’s good to go). Let’s go.
    3. [sc_embed_player fileurl=”″]
  10. On y va ! As seen in the previous example, it means “Let’s go! ” (Literally: “we there go!”) 
    1. Eg. Before going out. A man to a woman: “Tu es prête? Si oui, alors on y va !”. You’re ready ? If so, then let’s go ! 
    2. [sc_embed_player fileurl=”″]
  11. En fait : Actually / In fact. Many people use it and some overuse it. 
    1. Eg. A: “Tu as fait ce que je t’ai demandé ?” Did you do what I asked ?
    2. B: “En fait, je n’ai pas pu. J’ai eu un empêchement.” Actually, I didn’t (I couldn’t). Something came up.
    3. [sc_embed_player fileurl=”″]
  12. T’inquiète pas. Don’t worry / Never mind / That’s ok. Normally, it should be “ne t’inquiète pas” but in the spoken French the “ne” is frequently thrown out. 
    1. Eg. A: “Excuse-moi, j’ai oublié de te rendre ton livre.” I’m sorry (lit. pardon me), I’ve forgotten to take your book.
    2. B: “T’inquiète pas. Tu me le rendras la prochaine fois. “ Don’t worry. You will give it back the next time.
    3. [sc_embed_player fileurl=”″]
  13. C’est clair! : Of course ! / you bet ! 
    1. Eg. A: “Il aurait pu au moins me prévenir qu’il ne serait pas là !” He should at least have let me know that he wouldn’t come (be here) !”
    2. B: “Oui, c’est clair!.” Of course ! (that he should have).
    3. [sc_embed_player fileurl=”″]

Please include in the comments which words you think you have heard most often or you think the French people are using most frequently. Merci !
