Describing Weather in French

Weather in French in France

Weather Vocabulary in French

This lesson is A1 CEFR lesson to describe the weather in French in a simple way.

To speak about weather in French, there are three simple ways to do this. You can use either “Il fait + adjective”, which literally means “It makes cold / hot / bad / etc.”, or you can use “Il y a ….” (There is ….).

There are 12 sentences in this lesson followed by a quiz and exercises section.

Quel temps fait-il ?

What’s the weather like ?

Il fait froid.

It’s cold.

Continue reading “Describing Weather in French”

Apparence physique: Physical appearance

French Vocabulary Appearance

French vocabulary to speak about somebody’s appearance, how someone looks and how she / he is dressed.

English French
style, look  look
appearance apparence
casual décontracté
smart / elegant élégant
out of fashion démodé
fashionable / trendy à la mode
to look tired avoir l’air fatigué
to look sad avoir l’air triste
to look like …. ressembler à
figure une silhouette

French Sentences

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Basic but Essential French Verbs Test

basic French verbs test

Essential French Verbs

Each language has its number of the most important words. Their usefulness is related to their meaning and their frequency. Here we will concentrate on 10 essential French verbs. These are:

  • pouvoir
  • devoir
  • vouloir
  • savoir
  • dire
  • aller
  • faire
  • prendre
  • donner
  • comprendre

I already wrote a post about the essential French verbs a while ago, so if you want refresh your memory on the translation and the example sentences with there words, you may read the post here.

The test

This test is a compilation of different sorts of questions. You will see a drag and drop question, fill in the blanks and a multiple choice questions. I hope it will help you improve you vocabulary.

Test Your French Before You Travel to France


Basic French Test For Travellers

The summer holiday is coming and maybe you are planing to visit France.

Even though France is a great, multicultural country, speaking English with the locals is far from being the reality.

That is why I invite you to check your knowledge of some basic expressions and and words in French that are essential before visiting this country.

Continue reading “Test Your French Before You Travel to France”

Learn the Names of Countries in French  

Countries in French

Knowing the names of countries in French is essential for a beginner. Not only will it allow you to speak about yourself properly, but also it will let you understand your speaker when they introduce themselves.

In France, especially in big cities like Paris, Mareseille or Nice you will come across people of different origins and nationalities. It will be easier for you to understand them if you know the names of the countries they are coming from. 

What you need to know about the names of countries in French is that they normally come with a definite article (masculine or feminine). However, they are often dropped, depending on the context and the sentences in which they are used.  


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